Watch for Signs of Sexual Abuse
Our elderly population also faces the possibility of sexual abuse. Those signs might include bruising or bleeding around the genital area, torn or stained undergarments, or genital infections or diseases. Much of this abuse also goes unreported. Other forms of abuse include neglect, emotional and psychological injuries and abuse and abandonment.
With many people in nursing home facilities nearing the end of their lives, questions about their passing sometimes go unanswered. We expect that they were well-taken-care-of, yet sometimes there is a situation where neglect occurred, and someone at the facility may indeed be responsible for the death. This would be a wrongful death situation. If someone at the nursing home facility can’t answer your questions surrounding the death of a loved one, it might mean they were negligent, and you should seek the counsel of a Kansas City personal injury attorney.
With these issues facing some of our elderly today, how do you prove your loved one has been abused? Who’s liable in this type of situation, and how can you prove that liability and neglect in their case?
See Signs of Abuse? Contact a Skilled Lawyer
The best way to help in the defense of your loved one is to contact a reputable law firm. They will help you with litigation. This process can be complex, and you’ll need their expertise to help sort through the particulars. Your loved one may be seriously injured and require assistance. Several parties could be at fault, and a lawyer can help you sort out who is responsible. If the case goes to trial, you will need an attorney to help handle your case.