#3: Learn How to Avoid Scams

COVID-19-related scams are becoming increasingly more prevalent across the United States, and elderly individuals are often the target of these activities. The Federal Trade Commission offers online resources on how to identify and avoid common COVID-19 scams, including the following.

  • Fake contact tracers who ask for financial or personal information instead of health information
  • Offers for fraudulent at-home testing kits, vaccines, and COVID-19 treatments
  • Advertisements for test kits not approved by the Food and Drug Administration
  • Emails, calls, and texts about stimulus checks
  • Emails claiming to be from the CDC or the World Health Organization (WHO)

#4: Telecommunicate Regularly

Elderly residents in isolation can experience declining mental health due to a lack of social connection. Some residents may want to break quarantine or social distancing rules to reconnect with the outside world, which may expose them to the virus.

If you have a loved one in a care facility, telecommunicate with him or her regularly and encourage your family members to do the same. The Administration for Community Living provides a number of resources and tips elderly adults can use to improve their mental health during this time, such as activity guides and technology tips.

Staying Safe During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Nursing homes have a responsibility to keep their residents safe, especially during times of crisis like the COVID-19 pandemic. While these tips may keep your loved ones safe, nursing home staff may still commit acts of negligence that can lead to the transmission of this virus.

Ryan Fowler
Helping Kansas City area medical malpractice, nursing home abuse and personal injury clients.
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